Making a Drama out of Sickle Cell Disease (Voice Article)

Making a Drama out of Sickle Cell Disease (Voice Article)

Making a Drama out of Sickle Cell Disease (Voice Article)

In late 2009, early 2021, the Sickle Cell Society advertised its new film, The Family Legacy, in the Voice Newspaper.

Iyamide Thomas (Regional Care Advisor at the time) wrote the article Making a Drama out of Sickle Cell Disease 

covering a detailed explination about sickle cell, the blood test which lets you know if you carry the gene for sickle cell and information about The Family Legacy, a moving British-Nigerian drama about the impact of sickle cell disease on a marriage and a family.

The article also saw the personal stories of Junior Kebbay as he shared his experience of living with sickle cell.

Click here or the image below to download the PDF to read the article.