PERICLES (Prenatal Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease)

PERICLES (Prenatal Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease)

The Sickle Cell Society is working with King’s College on a project looking at people’s views on treating sickle cell whilst the baby is still in the womb.  If you have sickle cell or sickle cell trait, are a carer / family member or healthcare professional looking after someone with sickle cell, we would like to invite you to take part in a semi-structured, audio/video-recorded interview, which will last for approximately 1 hour. The purpose of the interview is to generate new knowledge about stakeholders’ views on treating babies diagnosed with sickle cell in the womb. We would like to understand perceived benefits or concerns, identify ethical issues and establish protocols for support and counselling. You will receive a gift voucher for your time. For more information on this project please watch the video clip below.

If you would like to take part, please go to the  project website and complete the participation form.