Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge
The Sickle Cell Stranglers take on the Isle of Wight Ultra Challenge
Stanley Marrast, Shirley Burry, Marcel Dubell, and Daniel North have joined together to form the SIckle Cell Stranglers, a fundraising team raising money to support our work. They are all taking part in the Isle of Wight Challenge 2019 and have set up individual fundraisers. Show your support by donating here:
Stanley Marrast
So I decided to do this event in aid of Sickle Cell as this is something that is close, and personal to me as a Person Of Black Origin. I too have Sickle Cell traits but not the full-blown sickle cell, someone very close to me has Sickle Cell Thalassemia, a very good friend has full-blown sickle cell and I also lost a friend 2 years ago from sickle cell. As I look around I don’t see or hear much about this disease whether in the mainstream media, news outlets or social media or by the community that is affected most. While I know of events that are been done I feel a lot more can and should be done to raise the awareness amongst the affected communities and the wider populous.
So with this in mind, I decided to take on this challenge on the Isle of Wight to help raise funds through sponsorship and raise awareness. This I hope to continue to be an annual event in years to come.
However; I would like to thank all my work colleagues and friends who are supporting me by actually taking part in the event and helping to raise funds by helping to put on and run small fundraising events.
Donate to Stanley Marrast’s Fundraiser here
Shirley Burry
I am doing a sponsored walk/run/jog on the 5th May on the Isle of Wight in memory of my sister Yvette, who passed away from sickle cell. I have always wanted to do something for this cause as it is close to my heart, and affects so many people.
I am planning to run/walk/jog 33 miles to raise as much as I can. My target is £800.
I know with the support of my family and friends we will make this as successful as possible. I’d like to thank in advance those who will show their support by sponsoring me.
Please help me spread the word by sharing my page to help raise as much awareness as possible for a worthwhile cause.
Donate to Shirley Burry’s fundraiser here
Marcel Dubell
Myself and a few of my John Lewis friends are Walking all the way around the Isle of Wight 106km in total over 48 hours, please give generously, this is not a walk in the park, plenty of training before the event in May is needed, so please help me by donating as much as possible, updates on training regularly on Facebook
Donate to Marcel Dubell’s Fundraiser here
Daniel North
Donate to Daniel North’s Fundraiser here