My Sickle and I (an event for men with sickle cell)

My Sickle and I (an event for men with sickle cell)

My Sickle and I (an event for men with sickle cell)

The Sickle Cell Society with Guys and St Thomas are hosting an invite-only event for men living with sickle cell.

The event will take place on the 29th February and will be a chance for men living with sickle cell to come together to discuss issues that they face and to learn more about managing their condition.

The event will be hosted in a London venue (TBC) and a free lunch will be provided.

If you would like to attend, then please show your expression of interest by emailing: (from this list we will send out invites to the selected people)

Please note that the event will be filmed and we hope for the event to become a regular fixture.