South London: We’re Listening

South London: We’re Listening

Affected by sickle cell in South London? We’re listening.

In April 2021, Sickle Cell Society completed a short-term research project designed to listen to and document the needs of people affected by sickle cell in South London.

South London has the highest number of people affected by sickle cell in the UK. In recognition of this, the Society has run a number of south London focused projects in recent years, including South London Link, which offered a broad range of support, volunteering, advocacy and social activities, and South London Gives, our first blood donation awareness and recruitment project.

Many thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts and experiences with us via our survey and focus groups. Our findings and recommendations for new service delivery can be found in this report (link) We will use the report as evidence of need when engaging with potential funders and other stakeholders.

If you have any questions about this work, please contact us at: