AliyasthoughtsSCD: Depression

AliyasthoughtsSCD: Depression

Depression depression depression it’s such an awkward thing to talk about it comes in all different ways and effects everyone differently. I actually find it hard talking to my family and friends about my struggle with depression before my world turned into a tornado I was such a happy person I was always cracking jokes and chillin with my friends but as my health deteriorated my happiness soon turned into sadness. When I’m around people, I like to be my old self so when I can’t do that I hibernate! That can be weeks to months to even years! When I was younger and I’d be with my friends id drink to drown my sorrows which resulted in trips to my own personal nightmare( hospital). As my health severely declined and my attempts at hairdressing business and beauty therapy all resulted in going back to my nightmare time and time again week after week month after moth year after year I found myself at an all new level of low! Feelings of hopelessness clouded my head to where I couldn’t find any light. I was surrounded by darkness and full of pain physically emotionally mentally. I couldn’t see life after 30 and didn’t want to to be honest.


People always tell me I’m strong and it’s only in the past few years that I have seen the strength courage and determination that everyone else sees. So I say this to say in your lowest moments when you feel like you have nothing left to give no more fight in you… not giving up is something!. My Sicklecell family I pray for your mental and physical health happiness hope and strength Alhumdulillah 

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