AliyasthoughtsSCD: Never Stop Trying

AliyasthoughtsSCD: Never Stop Trying

When you leave school you have some sort of plan of what you want to do next to put you closer to your goals for me that was hairdressing. Unfortunately Sicklecell doesn’t always allow you to do that. When I left school I began working in a hairdressers, I went from work experience to Saturday girl to Apprentice during this time I was working 4 days and studying 1 day. I was transitioning to Colour technician as that’s where my natural talent lay.

By the age of 17/18 I was opening up and closing the shop and doing the daily takings, at the time I didn’t realise the trust and confidence my employers had in me. As my career flourished my health deteriorated. I spent a lot of time in hospital but I completed my course to qualify as I didn’t want it to be a waste of time. After months of constant admissions I started to feel that I couldn’t continue to let my clients or employers down so I reluctantly resigned.

I began a business course thinking it would suit my health better but it didn’t as the hospital cycle continued although, I managed to qualify in that course. Giving up my job to do something I didn’t really enjoy just to end up in the same place really destroyed me.

As my mood sank lower my mum asked me to do a course just for fun so I decided to do beauty therapy as it had already interested me, I found that although I was constantly in hospital it came easy to me as I never failed an assessment and came highest in the class on most of the exams. Since finishing that course my health has continued to be up and down, but starting my Instagram page has allowed me to use all my skills and continue to expand my resume. So, my #sicklecellfamily never feel that you can’t do the things you really want to and never stop trying new things we can achieve all that we want it just may take longer and that’s ok!

My #sicklecellfamily I pray for your health happiness hope and strength Alhumdulillah


You can find Aliya on Instagram here.

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